-Vintage Solo -No Studs or Conchos
Solo features a nose narrower than stock so the rider can plant his feet on the ground without going bowlegged. The deeply contoured 15" wide solo gives good lower back support. Mustang's 13.5" wide matching rear seat features internal steel support wings for long distnace passenger comfort. Both the 13.5" and 11' rear seats extend forward for additional rider back support. Mustang's Solo also matches the stock passenger seat or Mustang's Fender Bibs.
Solo and Rear Seat Baseplates:
Solos and rear seats are built on 16 gauge formed steel baseplates. Solos have a single nose clip and two chrome mounting tabs that align with the fender inserts. Rear seats have two slots in the baseplate and a chrome tab for mounting.
Driver Backrest Kits will NOT work with a solo and/or rear seat.
Lowers you and moves you back slightly from stock position